About Us

Loving God

Arcata Church of the Nazarene is a small family of faith grounded in our hope in Jesus. We gather every Sunday (and other times) to express our love for God by lifting our voices in song, learning from God’s Word, and earnestly seeking God in prayer.

Loving People

We believe God has placed us where we are as a beacon of hope that welcomes all people, no matter where they come from, who they are, or what they have experienced, to discover wholeness and healing as we grow in God’s transformative love. Questions and doubts are welcome here; we are on a journey of grace, finding answers and growing in confident hope in the Lord together.

Living Hope

We love Arcata and our surrounding communities!

We believe serving others is essential to living out the hope we receive through faith.

We are on a mission to build relationships of mutual trust with our neighbors so that we can effectively work together to help people suffering from injustice, poverty, homelessness, bondage to addiction, and other societal ills.

One way we are doing this is by opening our space to 12-step recovery meetings (AA, NA, and SLAA) and through our Celebrate Recovery ministry.

You are loved! You are not alone!

If you are looking for a place to belong and people who will walk with you through life’s ups and downs, we invite you to find your place among us!