Our Staff

Reverend Gayle Heffley

Pastor Gayle is Daren’s wife, Tom, Nicole, and D.J.’s mother, and Hailey, Haden, and Daren’s grandmother. She is a preacher, shepherd, and evangelist. Answering God’s call to full-time ministry in May 2000, she came to serve as Arcata Church of the Nazarene’s lead pastor in September 2020. 

Although her higher education began in business and finance, in response to God’s call to ministry, her focus turned to ministerial studies in 2000. She completed the Church of the Nazarene Ministerial Course of Study through Nazarene Bible College and Northwest Nazarene University. With 25 years of pastoral experience, her leadership and teaching emphasize practical, meaningful transformation in Christ. 

Pastor Gayle’s life verse is Romans 8:28, “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” Emancipated at age 15 and a survivor of domestic violence, she testifies from experience that God can bring beauty from ashes and wants people to know that they are not alone; there is more to life than the world offers. God graciously heals and restores purpose as people surrender their past, present, and future to their Creator, find community in a family of faith, and progressively grow in loving God, loving people, and living in hope.

Reach Gayle at pastorgayle@arcatanazarene.org

Katelynn Bufford

Worship Ministries Director, Student Ministries Director

Katelynn says, “The Great Commission is the Great Adventure. Following God in obedience has led me to live a full and abundant life that I wouldn’t be living if I wasn’t following Him. Christ has come that we may have life and life to the full.” (John 10:10.)  Her heart for service as unto the Lord has led her to work on the Big Island of Hawaii, with a variety of Christian Camps, and now here to Humboldt County. Katelynn is exploring her call in pastoral ministry as she continues her education. “If I could encourage others with one thing it would be this, It is not about your ability, it’s about your availability. God doesn’t call the qualified, but equips those He calls.” Katelynn holds her M.A. in Organizational Leadership from Clarks Summit University and is currently pursuing her Doctorate in Spiritual Formation from Liberty University. 

Reach Katelynn at katelynn@arcatanazarene.org